6th January 2021

To All of our customers and partners, 

We hope that you and your families are well during these challenging times. Our thoughts go out to those who have been affected by the COVID-19 situation across the globe and to our customers, partners, friends and families. 

At Cadmus Distribution Group Limited, the wellbeing of our staff and customers remains our number one priority, we want to inform you that we remain committed to providing you with the best service possible.

Although we are now entering another period of ‘lockdown’ we can assure you that we remain fully operational with robust systems and processes in place. We are dispatching orders as usual throughout the UK and internationally. 

We continue to take orders via our various websites which can be accessed by visiting, cadmus.co.ukkeison.co.uk

It is very much ‘business as usual’ and all orders will be fulfilled in the most timely manner possible. Whilst global supply chains have been stretched there has been a concerted effort internationally to make sure manufacturing facilities and distribution hubs continue to function with as little disruption as possible.

Rest assured we will do everything possible to minimise any potential negative impact on our customers and business partners. We thank you for your continued support and trust, particularly during this difficult situation. 

As we have always maintained we firmly believe that by working together we will successfully deal with this challenge and hopefully life will return to something closer to ‘normality’ in the not too distant future. In the meantime if there are any significant developments we will keep you fully appraised.

Stay safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones.

From all at

Cadmus Distribution Group

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