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Product Features
  • FurseCEM conductive aggregate
  • Bentonite moisture retaining clay
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Furse Earth Electrode Backfills

FurseCEM conductive aggregate

Certain ground conditions make it difficult to obtain a reliable earth resistance, whilst particular installations may require a very low resistance. In such cases, FurseCEM provides a convenient and permanent solution.

By adding FurseCEM in place of sand and aggregate, to cement, a conductive concrete is formed. This electrically conductive medium has many applications in the electrical/construction industry, including RF and microwave screening, static control and, of course, earthing, for which it was specifically developed.

When used as a backfill for earth electrodes, FurseCEM impregnated concrete greatly increases the electrodes surface area thus lowering its resistance to earth.

Part numbers in this range include CM025 and CM030.

Bentonite moisture retaining clay

Used as an earth-electrode backfill to reduce soil resistivity by retaining moisture. The clay is a sodium activated montmorillonite, which when mixed with water swells to many times its dry volume.

It has the ability to hold its moisture content for a considerable period of time and to absorb moisture from the surrounding soil (e.g. from rainfall). Part numbers in this range include CM015 and CM015-PM.
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