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  • 'Flat tape' lightning protection system
  • Accessories available
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The following page details the products required to install a 'Flat tape' lightning protection system. Additionally, accessories are also available.

Air rod

Manufactured from high conductivity hard drawn copper or aluminium, with rolled threads. Supplied complete with locknut.

"Field Trials in the United States, carried out over many years research have confirmed that blunt air rods are struck by lightning in preference to taper pointed air rods."

"Lightning rod improvement studies" by C B Moore, W Rison, J Mathis, G Aulich. Journal of Applied Meteorology, May 2000.

Note: during high winds and extreme weather conditions air rods over 1000mm long can be subjected to fatigue mechanisms. It is therefore recommended that additional supports are considered before installation.

Part numbers in this range include RA215, RA225, RA230, RA240, RA250, RA015, RA025, RA030, RA040 and RA050.

Multiple point

Manufactured from high conductivity hard drawn copper, suitable for use with copper air rods only.

Part numbers in this range include RA500 and RA600.

Air rod base

Manufactured from high quality copper and aluminium alloys. Simple to install, providing an effective connection between air rod and air termination tape.

Part numbers in this range include SD105-H, SD120 and SD003-H.

Ridge saddle

For supporting lightning conductor air rods on ridges.

Part numbers in this range include SD115.

Rod brackets

Manufactured from high quality copper and aluminium alloys. Simple to install, providing an effective means of mounting an air rod on a vertical surface e.g. chimney stack. Use in conjunction with a rod to tape coupling.

Part numbers in this range include BR105 and BR005.

Rod to tape coupling

Manufactured from high quality copper and aluminium alloys. Provides an effective connection between air rod and air termination tape. Use in conjunction with rod brackets.

Part numbers in this range include CG600 and CG500.

Strike pad

Manufactured from high quality copper and aluminium alloys. Designed to provide an exposed attractive point on conductor systems hidden/embedded in the building's fabric e.g. below the tiles of a pitched roof.

Supplied with setscrew for attachment of lightning conductors.

Part numbers in this range include PL010, PL005 and SM010.

Puddle flange

Permits lightning conductors to pass through flat roofs without damaging the waterproof nature of the roof.

Part numbers in this range include PF105 and PF005.

DC tape clip

Use with bare copper, PVC covered copper, lead covered copper, bare aluminium and PVC covered aluminium.

Part numbers in this range include CP205, CP216, CP227, CP245, CP241, CP256, CP225, CP265, CP305, CP105, CP115 and CP130.

Swing lid DC tape clip

DC tape clips manufactured from high quality copper and aluminium alloys for excellent corrosion resistance and high pull off loads.

Part numbers in this range include CP210-H, CP220-H, CP110-H and CP120-H.

Adjustable DC tape clip

DC tape clips manufactured from high quality copper and aluminium alloys for excellent corrosion resistance and high pull off loads.

Part numbers in this range include CP230-H, CP240-H, CP260-H and CP125-H.

Non-metallic DC tape clip

Manufactured from high grade Polypropylene, UV stabilised against degradation by sunlight and non-brittle to prevent cold weather damage. Available in six colours to match bare and PVC covered copper and aluminium tapes. This unique design provides easy installation and resists high pull off loads.

Part numbers in this range include CP005, CP010, CP015, CP020, CP060, CP065, CP025, CP030, CP035, CP040, CP045 and CP050.

Bitumen felt roof clip

Use on bitumen felf roofing only.

Part numbers in this range include FP015, FP020, FP025, FP030, FP035, FP040, FP045 and FP050.

Tape clip

Manufactured from pure copper or aluminium, these simple pressed clips are available in a range of sizes to suit bare and PVC covered copper and aluminium tapes.

Part numbers in this range include CP510, CP515, CP517, CP405 and CP410.

Glue down DC tape clip

Use on clay roof tiles. Supplied in a box of 50 complete with adhesive. Additional glue gun is required.

Part numbers in this range include GD015, GD020, GD025, GD030, GD040, GD045 and GD050.

Adhesive DC tape clip

Designed to secure conductors to surfaces that cannot be penetrated by a screw. Ideal for aluminium, spangled galvanized steel, colour coated steel, glass, perspex, enamel and stainless steel etc. Manufactured from high grade plastic, UV stabilised against degradation by sunlight and non-brittle to prevent cold weather damage. Use on surfaces other than PVC roofing.

Part numbers in this range include CA015, CA020, CA025, CA030, CA040, CA045 and CA050.

Weldable DC tape clip

Provides a secure means of fixing conductors to single ply PVC roof membranes. Manufactured from high grade PVC, UV stabilised against degradation by sunlight and non-brittle to prevent cold weather damage. Clips are available for Polypropylene, Polyethylene and other roof membranes.

Part numbers in this range include CW015, CW020, CW025, CW030, CW040, CW045 and CW050 .

Universal welding solvent, Cleaning solution and Surface primer

Solvent and surface primer cannot be supplied outside the UK.

Part numbers in this range include CW905, CW999 and CA900.

Glazing bar holdfast

Manufactured from high quality copper and aluminium alloys. Simple to install, providing secure anchorage to thin metallic sections that cannot be drilled e.g. window mullions, angle iron etc. Once fixed any metallic or non-metallic conductor clip can be attached with the screw provided.

Part numbers in this range include HF705 and HF710.

Slate holdfast

Designed to allow tape conductors to be fixed to tiled roofs without compromising the waterproofing nature of the roof. The 500mm tail fits neatly between overlapping tiles and is wrapped around/fixed to the tile lathe for secure fitting.

Part numbers in this range include HF015, HF020, HF025, HF030, HF040 and HF045.

Back plate holdfast stem

Supplied with M6 fixing screw to secure appropriate conductor clip.

Part numbers in this range include HF320 and HF325-FU.

Square tape clamp

Manufactured from high quality copper and aluminium alloys. Simple to install, providing an effective low resistance connection between overlapping tapes to allow cross, tee, through and right angle joints to be formed.

Part numbers in this range include CT010-H, CT105-H, CT110-H, CT115-H and CT005-H.

Oblong test or junction clamp

Manufactured from high quality copper and aluminium alloys. Simple to install, providing an effective low resistance connection between overlapping tapes. The clamped connection is easily made/remade to allow for periodic testing.

Part numbers in this range include CN105-H and CN005.

Crossover clamp

For forming cross joints in tape.

Part numbers in this range include CX105-H and CX005-H.

Plate type test clamp

Manufactured from a high quality copper alloy. Simple to install, providing an effective low resistance connection between overlapping tapes. The clamped connection is easily made/remade to allow for periodic testing. Enables cross, tee, through and right angle joints to be formed.

Part numbers in this range include CT405.

Screwdown test clamp

Manufactured from a high quality copper alloy. Simple to install, providing an effective low resistance connection between overlapping tapes. The clamped connection is easily made/remade to allow for periodic testing. Enables cross, tee, through and right angle joints to be formed.

Part numbers in this range include CT305.

Expansion braid bond

Designed to remove the risk of damage or distortion to long conductor runs caused by thermal expansion and contraction.

Part numbers in this range include BN001, BN101, BN002 and BN102.

Bimetallic connector

Manufactured from a friction welded joint between high conductivity copper and aluminium to provide the ideal means of interconnecting copper and aluminium conductors whilst avoiding bimetallic corrosion.

Part numbers in this range include CN910, CN910-UL, CN920 and CN925.

Oxide inhibiting compound

For all the items in this range we recommend the use of oxide inhibitor when aluminium fittings are installed. Oxide inhibitor is a non-water soluble, natural-petroleum based polymer grease that seals electrical connections from oxygen and moisture.

Part numbers in this range include CM005.
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